New Physician Assistant Supervision Requirements Effective March 1
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014Wisconsin MEB Changes PA Supervision Requirements
The Wisconsin Medical Examining Board (MEB) recently approved several changes impacting physician supervision of physician assistants (PAs) in Wisconsin. These revisions are reflected in the Wisconsin Administrative Code Med 8 (Med 8) and became effective March 1, 2014. It is important that physicians be aware of the changes and the impact the revisions may have on their practice.
Here’s an overview of the key changes:
Supervising Physician to Ratio
A supervising physician may now simultaneously supervise four, rather than two, on-duty PAs. There is no limit to the number of PAs that a physician can supervise over time, and a PA may be supervised by more than one physician while on duty. A physician may still request authorization from the MEB to supervise additional PAs.
PA Prescribing
PA prescribing is simplified under Med 8. A PA may prescribe orders for drugs provided the PA’s prescriptive practices are initially reviewed, and at least annually reviewed after the initial review, by a supervising physician. Reviews must be documented and signed by the supervising physician, and the PA must be available to the MEB upon request.
Identifying the Supervising Physicians
Med 8 adds the requirement that the supervising physician must be readily identifiable by the PA. The rule does not require a specific manner of documentation—just that it is being documented.
Substitute Supervising Physicians
Substitute supervising physicians no longer need to be reported to the MEB.
On-Site Visit and Review of PA Practice Locations
A supervising physician is no longer required to make a monthly visit and on-site review of each facility where the PA practices.
The full text of Med 8 is available online. Physicians who supervise PAs should be conscious of the new requirements and adjust their practices accordingly to ensure compliance.